تلفن: ۳۸۴۴۲۳۲۵-۰۵۱
\<\۵۱\p\ب٫ظ\۲\>۰۹\<\/\۵۱\p\ب٫ظ\۲\>اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۲



accounting software

متفرقه توسط مدیر سایت

مشاهده آنلاین نمونه کار



The Easiest Accounting Software For All Business Owners


The all-new Abacus is accounting software that makes billing painless. From starting a project to accepting payment, you’ll spend

less time on your paperwork and more time doing the work you love when you use Abacus


Accounting Software That Will
Revolutionize Your Business

                         Click To Enlarge  


Abacus empowers you to work smarter, not harder. It puts precious moments back in your day and helps you identify opportunities to be more productive and efficient.

Getting started with Abacus is simple. No experience with accounting software is necessary and in just seconds you can create professional looking invoices. Plus you’ll be able to manage your expenses with ease, track your time and collaborate with team members and clients. You’ll gain insights that’ll take your business to the next level, and get paid fast – while never having to leave Abacus.

accounting software
accounting software ............................................................................... $367

versian :  afg40vijeengkh

Account Bases

  • Customer Level
  • Add NEw Customer
  • Add New Employe
  • Add New Cash
  • Add New Bank
  • Add New Cost
  • Add New Benefit
  • Accounts Chart
  • Accounts Balance AT Start

Good Bases

  • Currencies Options :
  • Base Currency
  • Currencies
  • Today Rates
  • Create WareHouse
  • Good Options :
  • Define Good Levels
  • Define Good Ranges
  • Define Good Groups
  • Add New Goods
  • Goods Inventory At Start


  • Sales Invoice In Cash
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sale Return Invoice
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Purchase Return Invoice
  • WareHouse Transfer
  • Sales Order
  • Dual Voucher


  • Cash Receipt
  • Cash Payment
  • Cash Receipt – Exchange
  • Cash Payment – Exchange
  • Exchange Between Accounts
  • Note Receipt
  • Note Payment
  • Costs
  • Benefits
  • Money Transfer


  • Receipt List
  • Payments List
  • Exchange List
  • Notes Received
  • Notes Payed
  • Costs
  • Benefits
  • Money Transfer


  • Account List
  • Daily Report
  • Reports :
  • Account Report – Seperate
  • Account Report – One Currency
  • Account Report
  • Debtors :
  • Creditors
  • Debtors
  • Profit
  • Daily Rates


  • Backup Data
  • Restore Data
  • Calculator
  • Currency ExChanger
  • Damage Test
  • Remoute Support
  • Adv Tools :
  • Restore Data
  • Rate Update
  • Rate Equality
  • Pictures Save Paths
  • Backup Picture
  • Restore Picture
  • Delete Current Year Data
  • Delete All Data – Defaul Load
  • Delete All Data Except Accounts And Goods
  • Options :
  • Corporation Adjustment
  • Coding Adjustment
  • Insert Logo
  • Options
  • ToolBox Options
  • User Access Code
  • User Level
  • Add New Year :
  • Add New Year – continous
  • Add New Year – Discrete
The amount of the piece of hardware is $20